Reviving the lost Essence of Education

Unlock Your Potential with Expert-Led Courses Designed for Success

Explore the different career paths provided by our experts and learn at your own pace

+92 319-9910355

Popular Courses

Essential concepts to grasp the essence of 3d computer graphics and introduction to popular 3d DCCs

This course explores the very basics of how a computer processes the 3d graphics and ways to manipulate them through popular DCC's like blender.

Learning the essence of computer programming with python

This course focuses on the basics of why do we need programming and how computers are programmed through a logical model which will not only help students learn python but any programming language

Introduction to Javascript: From a website to a web application

This course is designed to make students not only learn basic platforms like WordPress to build a website but to then transform that knowledge into making a custom web application through programming

Academic Studies

English Language for both academic and ILETS preparation

Either you are a college student or you are planning to go abroad and want to clear your ILETS test, you can learn from our comprehensive English classes at your own pace. Our instructors will guide you in a chronological order where you will be able to learn English effectively from the comfort of your home.

Physics for kids to high school students and beyond

We are proud to announce that we are providing science education in a way that will not only help students excel in physics but to work on real world research. Any student from any School or education system can register for Physics classes whether you're a high school student or you're doing O-Levels A-Levels.

The essence of Mathematics and its applications

Students from any education system can apply for our Mathematics classes according to their needs in Mathematics. Our instructors will not only take you from your level to understanding the real essence of Mathematics but they will give you a framework of study and research in Mathematics

Career Paths by Essence Academy

Each of these career paths have several short courses in them to master that specific career path

3D Computer Graphics for Game development and visual Effects

This career path is very carefully and chronologically designed to dissect the vast world of 3d computer graphics. This career path is loaded with all the courses you will ever need to be a successful 3d artist in several different disciplines of 3d like game development, visual effects artist and many more


Software development through web application platforms

If you want to enter the world of software development through the lens of web development then this career path has all the necessary courses to get you running in the world of web development


Software development through web mobile application platforms

If you want to explore the software development by learning mobile application development then this career path has all the essential courses to get you to make your own mobile applications


System Administrator

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Data Analyst

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Graphics Designing and Motion designing

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Use of Artificial Intelligence in our Daily lives

Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.


Digital Marketing

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Security and Ethical Hacking

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Why us

The best online learning experience

From the comfort of your home
Cooperation from staff and other students
One-on-One training
Self-paced learning
To revive the essence of education is to rekindle the flame of curiosity and the joy of discovery. Join us in this journey to bring back the true spirit of learning.
Farhat Fatima

Founder & Head of Essence Online Academy


From an Office boy to a digital marketing freelancer
I used to work at a local real estate business as an office boy. I wanted to become a digital marketer, so I took the free orientation class offered by Essence Academy and choose this career path and it transformed my life forever as now i am a freelancer working on several digital marketing project
Samad Ahmad
A 15 years old cyber security analyst
I was always curious about the security side of computer science. Being 15 and a student at local Madrasa it was hard for me to get into cyber security. I joined in Essence Academy's free webinar and followed my dream. Now I am writing my own python scripts for network penetration testing.
Muhammad Yahya

More than just an Online Academy

This is a community where future innovators collaborate, learn and explore together